Here are some topics I cover in talks for business people:
Pleasing the Google Gods: How to Get the World’s Largest Corporation to Bring Traffic to Your Website
Google wants a deeper, richer relationship with you (your web content, actually). How can you make that relationship work to your advantage? This talk tells what Google is looking for, and how you can provide it without sacrificing your first-born.
Content Planning: How to Create a Map for Your Journey to Marketing Success
Every business owner’s digital marketing path is unique. But no matter where you want to go, you need a plan to get there. A content plan will save you from “random acts of marketing” that waste your time and energy without attracting the new clients you want.
What Your Web Designer Might Not Have Told You about Your New Website
You’ve got your shiny, new website, so pretty you want to hang it over your sofa. But what good does that do you if nobody sees it? Here is how to make the most of your site after your developer turns over the keys to you.
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